Military Ribbons in San Antonio, TX
MILITARY HONORS stocks military ribbons in San Antonio, TX, for all branches of the service, including Texas State Guard and Reserve. We can assemble your ribbon set ready to wear in either standard slide-on style or custom thin-lite style. We also offer magnetic backing as well as war medals.
Slide-on style ribbons have been in use for a long time, and are considered the industry standard. We stock slide-on ribbons for all wars and all branches of service. You can purchase them assembled and ready to wear for any occasion.
Thin-Lite ribbons are the ultimate in custom designed ribbons. Approved for wear for all branches of the service, these ribbons are handcrafted, lightweight and less than 1/8" in total thickness. They present a tight, squared-away image on any uniform and are great for inspections or promotion pictures.
Prices are as follows: • Slide-On Style Ribbons - $1.75 per Ribbon (Includes Assembly and Holding Bar) • Thin-Lite Style Ribbons - $2.75 per Ribbon • Attachments & Devices - $1.50 per Attachment (Single Constructed) • Custom Stagger - add $5.00 • Magnetic Backing - add $5.00
Contact us to ask our experts for advice about military ribbons.